No Wrong Door
Ensuring Any Step Towards Wellbeing Is the Right Step
This past year has been truly remarkable. One year ago, we embarked on a new journey as Camino Wellbeing + Mental Health. By merging Carizon Family and Community Services, KW Counselling Services, and Monica Place, our goal was to create a unified and accessible system for wellbeing and mental health support where there is no wrong door for anyone seeking help.
By dreaming big and combining our strengths, we have demonstrated that 1 + 1 + 1 can indeed be greater than 3. We have redefined how our services are delivered, and our four strategic goals have guided us in providing better services, working closely with community partners to enact change, growing our Camino culture, and ensuring efficiency and sustainability. At the center of our strategic plan (see below) is the intersectionality wheel, highlighting our commitment to provide services that are more equitable and inclusive, addressing the unique challenges faced by diverse groups within our community.
We take pride in meeting people where they are, connecting them to the services they need, and building a system where there is no wrong door to access services. One of the most innovative aspects of our organizational transformation is the development of our Wayfinding program. This program ensures that people looking for support simply reach out through whichever means they find most accessible, and our Wayfinding team connects them to the appropriate services. With over 140 services, this is no small feat! This approach ensures that every individual’s first step towards us is the right one, regardless of the complexity of their needs.
In this first year, we faced an enormous amount of work, and our teams have worked tirelessly to adapt while meeting the needs of the community. I want to recognize and thank our employees for their passion and dedication. Their hard work and commitment have been instrumental in making this year a success. We are confident in the positive impact we are having because of the determination of our teams. We don’t just state our values; we live by them.
The first year of our journey as Camino Wellbeing + Mental Health has been a period of reimagining and growth, made possible by the unwavering support of this community. This impact report celebrates that Camino is more than the sum of its parts. We have an incredible community of donors, volunteers, and employees helping us deliver our mission. Thank you for helping open doors that are leading to brighter futures. Together we are building a connected community where all people thrive.
Tracy Elop, CEO
Unification Strategic Plan

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